Tandem jumps

Experience a unique emotion
The wind that runs over you, the speed, the adrenaline that runs through your body. Unforgettable.
Describing in words what it feels like during a free fall is almost impossible.
Tandem jump
In the tandem jump you will be connected with a sling to the instructor who will guide you for the entire jump, from the plane exit to the landing with the parachute open.

Pure adrenaline, at 200 km/h
Once in our Skydive, you will meet the instructors who will jump with you, who will provide you with the equipment needed for the launch and give you basic knowledge on how to behave during the fall.
At the time of your turn you will get on the plane that will take you to the launch altitude, 4200m. From up there there is a breathtaking view!
The moment has come. Put the insecurity aside and ... jump!
You will reach the speed of 200 km/h and you will experience mixed feelings, fear, fun, adrenaline.
Once you have opened the parachute you can enjoy a unique view of the Orbetello lagoon, the Argentario promontory and the Tuscan Maremma.After a few minutes you will again be down to earth and you will look forward to doing it again.In the meantime, you can look at the photos and videos of your launch.

An experience to live
at least once in a lifetime