Where the extraordinary becomes unforgettable

Tandem jumps
The thrill of jumping off the plane is indescribable.
In freefall from 4200m high, the wind in your hair, the adrenaline.
All this in the splendid setting of Monte Argentario, its lagoon and its beaches, in Orbetello. Less than 2 hours from Rome, from the cities of Tuscany and Umbria.
For beginners and experienced skydivers
Breathtaking view, dreamy sunsets and engaging and professional staff. The ideal place for those who want to try tandem launching in complete safety with a qualified instructor for the first time, but also for experienced parachutists who wish to launch on one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world.

Solo Lancio € 210,00
Lancio con video e foto € 275,00
Lancio con video e foto + Handcam € 330,00
Lancio con video e foto + Handcam + Priorità lancio + T-Shirt € 440,00
Lancio con 2 operatori video e foto + Handcam + Priorità lancio + Decollo per conto proprio + T-Shirt € 550,00
Legenda :

Skydiving school
Skydive Costa d'Argento is a Skydiving School recognized by ENAC (National Agency for Civil Aviation) and affiliated ASC (Sports Promotion Agency) recognized by CONI.
Parachuting Course A.F.F.
The A.F.F. (Accelerated Free Fall) is the best way to approach the free fall flight. You will be constantly followed by an instructor both in the phases on the ground and during the fall, you will learn to control your body for being able to achieve autonomy with a parachute.